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Play Black Dot Black Dot
Stare at the black dot for a few seconds. The gray haze will appear to shrink!...

(Played 4899 times)
Play Building illusion Building illusion
How can this be?...

(Played 4529 times)
Play Center Square Illusion Center Square Illusion
Is the center square moving? Nope!...

(Played 4678 times)
Play Circles Illusion Circles Illusion
Are either of the rings moving? They're both stationary....

(Played 3423 times)
Play Color test illusion Color test illusion
Look at the chart and say the color, not the word!...

(Played 4952 times)
Play Crazy circle illusion Crazy circle illusion
OK, this one REALLY looks like it moves when you stare at it....

(Played 5513 times)
Play Do the Wave Do the Wave
Scroll up and down. Is this image doing the wave? Nope! It's just an illusion....

(Played 3490 times)
Play Elephant legs illusion Elephant legs illusion
How many legs does this elephant have?...

(Played 3767 times)
Play Flashing Dots Flashing Dots
Are these dots flashing? No - it's an illusion!...

(Played 4240 times)
Play Green Wave Illusion Green Wave Illusion
The objects aren't moving. Cool, huh?...

(Played 3299 times)
Play Horizontal lines illusion Horizontal lines illusion
Are the horizontal lines parallel or do they slope? They're parallel!...

(Played 3088 times)
Play Parallel lines illusion Parallel lines illusion
These lines are actually parallel - they just look slanted....

(Played 2866 times)
Play Red Fence Illusion Red Fence Illusion
The lines are straight. Hold up a notecard or a piece of paper to prove it!...

(Played 3124 times)
Play Round circle illusion Round circle illusion
This circle is actually round!...

(Played 3199 times)
Play Same size circles illusion Same size circles illusion
Although it looks like the inner circle on the left is larger, it's actually the same size as the in...

(Played 2769 times)
Play Same size illusion Same size illusion
These two figures are actually the same size!...

(Played 2903 times)
Play Same size rectangles illusion Same size rectangles illusion
These two rectangles are actually the same size!...

(Played 2959 times)
Play Shade illusion Shade illusion
Squares A and B are the same color! Don't believe it? Open the image in an editor and compare the tw...

(Played 3275 times)
Play Shades of green illusion Shades of green illusion
There's only one shade of green in this picture....

(Played 5369 times)
Play Spiral illusion Spiral illusion
This isn't a continuous spiral - it's actually a bunch of circles!...

(Played 10345 times)
Play Stationary image illusion Stationary image illusion
The image won't move, but it might make you sick!...

(Played 6721 times)
Play To spiral or not to spiral To spiral or not to spiral
While it looks like this image is a spiral, it's actually made up of individual unconnected circles....

(Played 6245 times)




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